Tub of 5000 original plastic bingo chips
Reference: ACPL5000
Bingo chips are especially suitable for organisations and fundraising events. These multicoloured and transparent bingo chips help players to identify the numbers marked off. The magnifying effect lets players easily see the numbers marked on the bingo grid during the game. The 5000 chips can be divided up and sold at the entrance of your bingo event. Easy to use, these chips are suitable for all types of bingo tickets. A must-have accessory for a completely laid-back game of bingo. These chips are very practical and the container is easily transported using the handle on the screw lid. You can guarantee your discs will be safely kept inside!
Plus Product
- They are incredibly easy to use ensuring the numbers played can still be spotted without masking them.
- Plastic bingo chips, 15 mm in diameter
- Transparent colours - Transparent discs/counters with a magnifying effect
- Suitable for all types of bingo tickets
- Reference: ACPL5000
- Couleurs: Vert - Orange - Bleu - Rouge - Rose
- Quantity/Pack:: 1 Boite de 5000 Pions
- Material: Plastique recyclé
- Diameter: 15 mm
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