Jolly dab
12 JOLLY DAB bingo dabbers
12 JOLLY DAB bingo dabbers
12 JOLLY DAB bingo dabbers
Jolly dab
12 JOLLY DAB bingo dabbers
12 JOLLY DAB bingo dabbers
12 JOLLY DAB bingo dabbers

12 JOLLY DAB bingo dabbers

Reference: ACMPDJ

€20.50 €15.38

12 "Jolly Dab" bingo dabbers in various designs - A new bingo dabber!

Whether you like to play bingo with discs, or with dabbers, we've got you covered! Cartaloto brings you the latest dabbers for bingo enthusiasts!

With these new colourful bingo dabbers, players can add a touch of originality to their bingo games. The tips of the dabbers are shaped in different designs. Choose from a heart, star, butterfly and a cat's paw.

These different designs add a decorative touch and some people like to use them to bring them good luck. 

With four different designs, participants will stand out at their bingo events.

This bingo dabber doesn’t require a lot of pressure to stamp the numbers with the coloured, shaped tip.

Note: users must stamp several times to get the ink flowing when first using the dabber. Players should be patient and not squeeze the bottle.

Bingo dabbers in a variety of designs with screw-on caps. Perfectly sealed.

Available now

2-3 working days

Plus Product

  • Four different designs: a heart, star, butterfly and a cat's paw.
  •  Set of 12 bingo dabbers with mixed symbols (3 markers/symbol)
  •  Available in four colours: blue, orange, purple and red (1 colour/symbol).
  •  Retractable marker tip
  •  Small capacity of 35 ml. Box to hold them included


  • Reference: ACMPDJ
  • Couleurs: bleu, orange, violet et rouge (1 couleur/symbole).
  • Quantity/Pack:: 12 Marqueurs
  • Capacity: 35 ml
  • Material: Applicateur : Mousse

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